Ranjeet Kumar


The journey to buy dream property in Italy begun in September 2020 without my presence with competent Clemente Law firm. While searching the firm the first question was language as I do not know Italian language but when I contact to Avv. Alessandro Clemente and started communication through emails I felt that I am on right path excellent in English. He has good command not only in English but in his profession, he was very pleased at every stage. Since buying property abroad not an easy task especially when you are not there but Avv Alessandro throughout journey courage and guided step by step as I was very scare so many questions were in mind but really I must say he delivered best services. The more important which is unbelievable in today`s world that I never meet or spoke on phone with him since beginning to end. The complete Journey was based on emails only. I gave him limited Power of Attorney to buy the property on my behalf and on 20th December2021 which was the closing date around 18.00 my cell phone rang and person none of other he was Avv Alessandro Clemente and said Congratulation the property is yours now. I must recommended that if you want to buy property can blindly trust Clemente Law Firm they are fully experienced in their field and protect and cover legally their client.

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